Recipes diet menus for losing weight

The majority of those that do get the Problem of excess weight, not know, not to eat, how to stay hungry, but to lose weight. To help in the solution of this complicated question light meals to lose weight, we tell about cooking and more.

The Basis of the diet diet food

Meals for losing weight

Since all of the diet recipes is not in the context of an article is possible to cover absolutely a list of products from which you cook low-calorie meals.

The best weight-loss products:

  1. Vegetables, except potatoes.
  2. Fresh fruit, except bananas, Avocados and grapes. Fruits may be fresh, but also for the preparation of Desserts, fruit, yogurt, etc.
  3. Fresh Mushrooms.
  4. Grits. It comes to the pulps, cooked on the water, without the addition of oil.
  5. Fish low-fat varieties, including hake, pike-perch, pike, saffron cod, carp, bream and several others.
  6. Lean beef, chicken breast without the skin, Turkey, rabbit meat.
  7. Low-fat dairy products, including cottage cheese, Kefir, natural yoghurt. To buy completely fat free is not worth it, since they are not so useful for the body.
  8. Herbs: parsley, Dill, spinach, lettuce and others contain only a Minimum of calories and maximum benefit.
  9. For the satisfaction of the need, in the sweet we take honey, dry fruits, dates, dark chocolate, candy, Marshmallows. These sweets are allowed in small quantities, even those who lose weight.
  10. Spices. Perfect for when you cinnamon to use in cooking, ginger, cloves, cumin, turmeric, and thyme.

To roast the products mentioned or to cook and deep-fried. Low-calorie drinks is only in the case when the products you cook, boil, or cook on a few. Oil must be of Minimum use.


Light meals cooking game to lose a child, because here's a principle: the less Manipulation the better. Remember that really continued to give the end of saturation in the morning to carbs, so try porridges are preferred.

  1. We cook any porridge on the water, trying not to tender full. You can salt a little and eat. If such an Option does not seem tasty, pour porridge, teaspoon of honey, add fresh berries of the season or slightly soaked in water dried fruits. Best Breakfast for losing weight not yet been invented.
  2. Quark. Place the Quark in a bowl, pour honey, decorate with strawberries, raspberries, raisins, cherry – to choose from.
  3. Of natural yoghurt. You can cook a useful mixture: in the thicket Mixer, mix 3 tbsp. L. Cottage Cheese, 3 Tbsp Yogurt, Paul Bunch Of Dill. Quickly mix and eat.
  4. Make a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes with a small amount of vegetable oil and add to it a boiled egg.
  5. Baked Apple with cottage cheese. Remove the core from the Apple, fill it with cottage cheese, put it in the oven for about half an hour at 180 degrees. You can enjoy useful and tasty Breakfast. If the Apple is sour, pour the finished dish with honey.

The shift to diets with normal fact that the first time the courts seem to be boring and tasteless to dismantle it together. It is only a couple of weeks and the body to the new food to get used to, and it will be fun.

Diet dinner for weight loss

To lose the basis of the mid-day diet of weight the soup should be, as it saturates quite a large volume of the stomach and good. Thus, it is not too lean, it is permissible to cook on the "second" broth.

Such broth? Poured in a pot of water, put the meat, after boiling, remove the foam, put on the five minutes, the liquid is incorporated, into the sink. Filled with clean water, put the meat until tender, the broth is incorporated. This is the "second" broth, on the basis of which you can cook soups, light vegetable.

  1. It is omitted in the boiling broth (1.5 l.), a chopped onion and a grated carrot for 15 minutes, added the potatoes cut into cubes (3-4 PCs. medium size), a little pasta. Almost brought to readiness, to salt, added can off of fresh chopped Greens after a couple of minutes.
  2. A little varied, the above recipe mushrooms help (150-200 grams ). You need to wash, chop, grill in vegetable oil until cooked, place them on a paper towel, remove excess fat. Lower into the soup together with the potatoes.
  3. Pumpkin-Tomato Soup. Bring to a boil 1.5 liters of water, put it in powder form: 100 G pumpkin, 100 grams of zucchini, an onion, two sweet peppers, a carrot. Cook until almost cooked, fall tomatoes, the two ripe, diced, salt. Still an onion, fry in vegetable oil and also in the soup. A bit of cooking, add the chopped Greens and turn.
  4. Rice soup of fish broth. Liter of broth, which was filtered after cooking the fish, fall into a handful of washed rice, a few chopped potatoes, grated carrots and onions. We cook on small fire to readiness. With salt, a little allspice and herbs.
  5. The Pea-Soup-Pree. In boiling water, the well-washed pea-traps. If you are preparing on a portion, enough for 50 grams. Bring until soft, add grated carrots and finely chopped onion, salt. After 10 minutes of herbs and sprinkle switch. You can grind it, or in the Mixer.

To lose, weight doctors don't recommend to completely give up bread, to complement the lunch, you can bread a piece of whole-grain.

Dinner while on a diet

Next, we consider the dishes for fast weight loss that will help you during the dinner. Because in the afternoon the drinking of large quantities of carbohydrates is prohibited in the base of the dinner, the proteins have to be. Thus, based on the dinner a piece of meat or fish, boiled or steamed should be. Also, and fish, can meat, bake in the oven without adding fat. They complement the basis of a salad of fresh vegetables or calories is in a ragout of poor vegetables. Recipes – below.

Options salads for a healthy dinner:

  • take a hundred grams of cabbage, beets and carrots three on a grater, dressed with a spoon of oil, a little salt;
  • chop and place in a salad bowl, two sweet peppers, two tomatoes, two onions, leeks, a little chives, parsley. Season with salt and add a spoon of oil;
  • Crushing and mixing: Paul beam, salad, fresh cucumber, a few radishes, Dill, and chives. Salt and dressed with oil. Permitted to use for the fuelling of low-fat sour cream or natural yogurt;
  • Chop and mix with celery, a hundred grams of cabbage, a cucumber, a small onion, and parsley. Dressed with salt, a spoon of lemon juice and a spoon of oil.

You can cook and other dishes:

Recipes for weight loss
  1. Light escalope of Turkey or chicken breast. Grind the onions in a meat grinder 400 grams of meat with salt, pepper, chopped spring, and an egg. The meat, form meatballs and cook in a water bath. Serve with fresh vegetables.
  2. Omelette for weight loss. Take your favorite vegetables, such as tomato, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, and onions. Total weight – about 200 grams. We cut into cubes or strips, put lubricated in a baking dish with oil, pour the beaten mixture (50 ml of milk, two eggs, salt and herbs). Bake at 180 gr. about half an hour.
  3. 100 grams of boiled beans, Pre-soak in water for 6-8 hours. In a frying pan with a small amount of oil, fry the chopped onions and grated carrots, add the finished beans, salt, allspice, a couple of chopped cloves of garlic, a tomato and a glass (or two teaspoons of tomato paste and half a Cup of water). Simmer 20 minutes, turn. Serve, pitted chopped Greens.

Diet Dessert

Amazing, but to see a diet meals to lose weight and a lot of Desserts.
Those with a sweet surrender to the slimming, you should completely, since there are problems with the nervous system and nervous collapse.

Pamper yourself with such Goodies:

  • Diet Cheese Cake. Two hundred grams of cottage cheese, a tablespoon of sugar, a teaspoon of starch, mix, an egg, some vanilla. Cheese cake, they put on a baking sheet, the laid parchment, in the oven and bake for 20-25 minutes at 200 gr.;
  • Fruit salad. Mix in a salad bowl your favorite fruit and berries, e.g. apples, Kiwi and strawberries, pour a spoon of honey and a little natural yoghurt. You can enjoy;
  • A delicacy with cottage cheese. Whisk the strawberries in a blender with 200 grams of cottage cheese and 100 grams of ripe, decorate grated bitter chocolate;
  • Oat biscuits. Take the oatmeal and yogurt in a ratio of 3 to 1 mix and leave for forty minutes. Add a bit of cinnamon, a handful of raisins, a spoon of honey, prevents. If it is liquid, allowed, add a spoonful of flour. Fortune cookies spread on a baking sheet, bake at 200 gr. about half an hour;
  • to lose the summer weight is perfect, rescue Sorbets. It is a refreshing cold Desserts from fruits and berries. Can cook you from the widest variety of dough kneader.

Three hundred grams of berries, and 70 ml of water-whisk with the hand blender, to give you 70 grams of powdered sugar and mix well with a spoon. Put in the container and remove it in the freezer. Time Pour Point: 2.5 Hours. Every half hour to stir.